12月7, 8日、リンツ美術工芸大学からの留学生、Jaak Kaevatsさんによる展示「STREET-SCAPE」を開催しました。
STREET-SCAPE-2012.12.7(Sat), 8(Sun)
Jaak Kaevats
Interface Cultures Lab, Linz, Austria
Street-Scape aims to visualize the density of the people their movement speed in an urban space.
The walking direction of people in the street is plotted in one direction to make their relative distances between each-other more apparent. All static objects are blurred creating an ambience of the environment while making the moving ones more visible. The people walking 5km/h have original proportions. Everyone moving faster is thinner and everyone slower respectively wider.
Street-Scape renders the people anonymous while revealing their demographic qualities such as their approximate age and gender. Thus, showing the relative amount of children, grown-ups, older people, bikers, etc in a particular place during the visualized time.
作品を解説するJaak Kaevats